2D/3D/4D Wellbeing Package
30 Mins Wellbeing Scan Packages
You will get an update as to how your baby is growing developing, as our sonographer will take measurements and check for any abnormalities. We’ll even tell you how much your baby weighs! These are truly magical images, they are so clear you might even see your little one sucking his or her thumb, or yawning. We love providing these images in a USB and seeing them at home means a lot to to mums, dads, siblings and friends to see the baby so clearly. We offer 3D/4D views after doing the medical checks. These all provide you with amazing, moving, 3D images of your baby and are a lovely way to glimpse your baby, wriggling, stretching, kicking and sleeping, as well as letting you clearly see your baby’s features, fingers, toes, expressions and so on. Our 3D/4D scans are recommended between 23 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. Before this time the baby will lack the fat under his or her skin which is needed to give the best images, and later than 36 weeks the baby fills too much of the space in the uterus and moves much less, making it less likely to get the ideal images we would like. For twin or multiple pregnancies, the 3D/4D scan cut off is earlier as again they will fill the space within the uterus and make it harder to get a good image.YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS AMAZING VIDEO!!!
4D Scan Twins (Click here for video) HDLive 4D baby scan Baby moments (Click here for video) https://www.scan4d.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/HDLive-4D-baby-scan-Baby-moments-didcot.avi